
You have picked a world that is at the center of the universe, a world dominated by your race, the human race, which has, through its unique attribute, intelligence, far surpassed all of the lesser animals.  And there is more good news: you live in the best country in the world, maybe not the richest or largest, but the country with the best combination of attributes (successful, but not too successful, with the right morality, and so on).  What is more your social group is the best one (not too snobby, not too common), with the right values (some groups are downright evil). Yours is the best sports team too (even if they don’t win as much as some others).  Happily, yours is also the superior sex, not having all of the blatant failings of the other.

And what about you? You are an amazing person: unique, and gifted (perhaps only in certain areas, but the areas that are really important), an independent thinker, and you have amazing potential too (although it is a shame that circumstances prevent you from fully realizing it).  Socially you have got just the right balance: not too pushy, and not too introverted; it is perhaps surprising that others do not achieve this balance (since it is so obvious to everyone when someone else gets it wrong).  You have some flaws, too, of course, but everyone does, and your flaws are entirely forgivable.  You make mistakes, but these are unsurprising given the situations that lead to them. Inevitably, you get the occasional criticism, but usually because someone does not fully understand the circumstances, the difficulties facing you, the distractions, the pressures that you are under. Of course it is frustrating that you are surrounded by unreasonable people, and this inevitably causes arguments, as you try to help them see the correctness of your position, but, given the level of these irritations, you deal with everything remarkably well. Indeed, you deal very well with life’s struggles in general. You do have some doubts and insecurities, mind you, maybe more than those around you, which is why you struggle occasionally, but not too many and you are aware of them and you cope..

The best news is that you are in control of your destiny, exercising your free will, in pursuit of a better life.  Your soul mate is waiting for you just around the corner, and with them you will find the ultimate, perfect happiness, perhaps with just a few other adjustments to your life: a better diet, more exercise, a promotion, indeed a big pile of money would certainly help (the rich do not appreciate their wealth the way you would). With only one or two changes (certainly no more), this world would be perfect. And if life is not yet perfect, that is how life is. But God is in his heaven, watching out for you, and all of the bumps on the road are part of his majestic plan (though we cannot see it), which will lead you unerringly to paradise, because death is not the end, it is just a portal to a far better world.  This better world might be hard to describe, or even conceive, but certainly it is one where all of your sins are forgiven, your efforts  are rewarded, and your trials and tribulations are all revealed as essential steps on the road to perpetual, blissful happiness.

If you have some nagging doubts about the reality of this world, it is not too late to click on the red pill:
